Mediation in the delivery and installation of foundations and poles for the traction network
Reconstruction of Tram Line 2 from the intersection of 18. Novembra and Ventspils streets to Jāņa Street
Maintenance on C-365 Railway Line Segment
Delivery of galvanized steel construction elements for the newly built transparent acoustic screens for Radviliškis railway station.
Delivery road and bridge barriers (6000 m.)
Erection of the viaduct in Ukmergė (80t., 58 m. long, 5.5 m. wide, 9 m. height)
Delivery bridge safety barriers for Vilnius Western Bypass
Delivery 460 tones of bridge constructions
Delivery 3000 sqm. acoustic screens ( various types )
Delivery masts ( 25 m. height , 330 kV., 47 t. weight )
Delivery 310 t. bridge steel constructions
Delivery 19000 sqm. geogrids
Delivery transmission towers ( 9 types, 110+330 kV., 430 pcs., 5000 t. weight )
Delivery beams under the gantry trackway ( HES, 9pcs., 370 t. weight )
Delivery steel safety barriers ( 80000 m. )
Delivery 863 sqm absorbing acoustic screen
Delivery transmission towers ( 4 pcs, 63 t. weight )
Delivery 2300 sqm. acoustic screens ( various types )
Delivery 34 lattice poles ( 18-30 m. height, 81t. weight )
Delivery 20000 m. steel safety barriers
Delivery 3850 sqm. acoustic screens ( various types )
Delivery 30000 m. steel safety barriers
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